

Neuer Destillationsturm soll praktischen Unterricht interessanter machen

Neuer Destillationsturm soll praktischen Unterricht interessanter machen

Am PITO in Stabroek haben Studenten heute einen neuen Destillationsturm in Betrieb genommen. Die Studierenden der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik im siebten Studienjahr haben so die Möglichkeit, das Gelernte in die Praxis umzusetzen.


fully automatic, ASTM D-2892


Processor controlled crude oil distillation system for fully automatic operation exactly conforming to ASTM D-2892 (TBP), latest revision.

The system is computer controlled and designed for fully automatic operation throughout the different distillation runs at different pressure levels which includes: Read the rest

Growth champion 2021 of the German Industry

Encouraging and amazing news in difficult times for all of us:

For the fifth time since 2015 PILODIST has been appointed as one of “Germany’s Growth Champions 2021” by FOCUS Business Magazine in cooperation with the independent institute “Statista”. The Read the rest

Inauguration of PILODIST´s new production hall expansion project

PILODIST proudly announces the inauguration of an additional adjacent new production hall for the assembly and testing of turn-key systems for distillation, extraction and thin-film evaporation.

Following our tremendeous growth over years it became neccessary to grow this area as Read the rest

Receipt of German Patent for Automatic Phase separation

We are happy and proud to announce that the following patent now has been officially been assigned by “Deutsches Patentamt” which is the German patent authorities.

Automatic phase separation

This is a special feature being used in the water removal Read the rest

Thanks to Norbert for 50 years of loyalty

Today was the last work day of Norbert. He joined my earlier family business FISCHER Labor- und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, founded by my father in 1967 and continued in PILODIST GmbH later on. So he was working for a total of Read the rest

PILODIST GmbH – Germany’s growth champions 2017

We are proud to announce that PILODIST GmbH  been appointed for the second time as one of the “Growth Champions” of the German industry for 2017 by the German magazine FOCUS in cooperation with STATISTA.

We belong again to the Read the rest

Maxwell-Bonnell-Calculator with new feature

Please use our Maxwell-Bonnell-Calculator to convert actual temperatures (ACT) into athmospheric equivalent temperatures (AET) and to determine the pressure needed in the system so that AET corresponds to the ACT.

The Maxwell-Bonnell Calculator determines the atmospheric equivalent temperature (AET) from Read the rest

PILODIST 250 – Destillationsanlage für den kontinuierlichen sowie diskontinuierlichen Betrieb

Die abgebildete Destillationsanlage wurde nach speziellem Kundenwunsch von Mitarbeitern des PILODIST Engineering Teams konzipiert. Pilodist_26-11-2015_15474_PD250SDDieses System bietet grösstmögliche Flexibilität hinsichtlich des Betriebs: Es ist sowohl für den kontinuierlichen (mit Umlaufverdampfer und Füllstandssensor) als auch diskontinuierlichen Betrieb (mit Blase und elektrischer Read the rest

Prozessorgesteuerte Destillationsanlage gemäß ASTM D-5236 PETRODIST 200 HV

Prozessorgesteuerte Destillationsanlage gemäß ASTM D-5236 zur Destillation von Rohölen bis zu einer Siedetemperatur von 600°C AET.PILODIST_15190_PETROSIST200HV

Der Blaseneinsatz von 10-22 L Rohöl wird in die 33 L – Edelstahlblase chargenweise eingefüllt und mittels eines elektrischen Blasenheizers erhitzt und verdampft. Read the rest

PILODIST GmbH – one of the german companies with utmost growth

We are proud to announce that PILODIST GmbH has been appointed by FOCUS in co-operation with STATISTA as one of the german companies with utmost growth.

We belong to the TOP 500 German growth champions and are listed in the Read the rest